To date, around the world, many men suffer from one of the most common "male" diseases - prostatitis. Prostatitis is characterized mainly by inflammation of the so-called prostate (otherwise referred to as the prostate), located in the crotch area. The form of inflammation of the prostate the disease doctors are divided into 2 types: acute and chronic, then implementing the appropriate treatment of prostatitis according to its specific form.
Second heart.
It is known that the prostate gland in men, popularly called as the "second heart" of the representatives of the male population, has a "work of" a considerable number and variety of functions critical to the life of a male human
organism. Therefore, beginning in the prostate gland inflammation is strongly makes itself felt, and always after a certain time is required in such cases, immediate treatment of prostatitis. The trouble is that early treatment of this disease for men is not possible because only the fact that the disease begins to flow very, very hidden, and not really giving themselves felt, particularly in the early stages of development. If you believe the notorious statistics, almost half of the world's population is male, in his "arsenal" the existence of this insidious disease, mainly concerned males aged 25 to 40 years.
Some medical researchers believe that virtually all men of the planet is immune from contamination by any of the forms of the disease of the prostate gland, and quite timely treatment of prostatitis in this case will help to avoid infertility. How to identify the prostate? Of course, you should consult a doctor, urologist, who in the course of the study will find out availability of this disease, and in case of detection onogo, prescribe treatment of prostatitis, according to a specific rate methodology. But more about that later in the article.
Treatment of prostatitis. The symptoms of both forms of the disease.
As mentioned earlier, you have learned from our article, there is a chronic and acute form of prostatitis. And treatment of prostatitis in each case is individual. Now we briefly denote bright characteristics expressed in each of the forms of prostatitis. In acute type of disease of the prostate gland in men, as a rule, is a fever accompanied by chills and general weakness of the whole organism, as well as severe pain during urination and ejaculation. Pain in the groin, above the pubic part and in the perineum also occur in this case. Remember, men, if suddenly you feel all written above symptoms, immediately contact a doctor, urologist, prostate treatment to implement as soon as possible and faster!
Chronic prostatitis is fraught, in general, the same characteristics as that of an acute manifestation of the disease, flowing only much "softer", provoking a premature ejaculation and reduced sexual desire, and in general feeling during sex are somewhat different and can also cause pain and discomfort.
It is important to understand that in the acute form of the disease of prostate untimely appeal to the clinic to the urologist, which is sure to prove treatment of prostatitis, will entail a further degeneration in the chronic form. Because delay is a matter that is, "for later" does not want. However, judging from the numerous reviews of customers who visited our clinic and visited at the reception of qualified physicians experienced in modern times men have become more attentive to himself, or rather, their own health. And it deserves particular praise and respect, because respect for himself, a man does not stand still, zatsiklivayas on the problem of physiological, but rather goes to meet its domestic zamorochkam and moral barriers. In this case, treatment of prostatitis - is another barrier to overcome, both physical and moral terms. So to say, another victory in the life of men.
You ask why so many words around such a seemingly ordinary things as the treatment of prostatitis? The fact is that, contrary to what was said previously said that part of the male population with the problem of the nature, still prefer to force their miroubezhdeny not talk about it, and certainly not to exert effort in order to implement the treatment of prostatitis. So again we say that the treatment of prostatitis - it's not terrible, as well as himself prostatitis. Very often people are not frightened of the fear, but rather, his expectations. Believe me, in our clinic is staffed by the best professionals, including therapists who not only is skilled at listening and will answer all your questions, and even help to solve many problems - after all life's problems here are some links, and there are confirmation - reviews men successfully treated for prostate in our clinic.
Regarding risk group of men who subsequently required treatment for prostatitis, usually referred persons of a particular employment, age, membership in a particular social class, professional occupations. Affected absolutely all men, and treatment of prostatitis may require not only an adult male, but the young man, whose causes of prostate disease can serve as a smoking alcohol, sedentary lifestyle, and possible hypothermia. The youth should be especially careful to treat your body, and if the disease is found urgently need treatment of prostatitis, until the case is to treat it quickly and efficiently.
Treatment of prostatitis. Basic methods and prevention.
Treatment of prostatitis is directly depending on the type and stage of development. Implement treatment of prostatitis at home, without supervision by a doctor - a thankless and futile as a disease, but rather goes into a hidden form, and later again to be felt already in the chronic form of the running, so be sure to sign up to a urologist at the reception, which according to the exact analyzes forward for treatment of prostatitis, a course which will be most effective.
Acute prostatitis is mainly treated in the clinic with the use of antibacterial drugs. However, each drug preparation - discord, because it all depends on the individual case (another reason not to do treatment of prostatitis at home and in the clinic). Physiotherapy and massage of the prostate, usually produced with chronic manifestations of the disease. In the arsenal of the clinic is an essential attribute of such elements as immunotherapy (immunocorrection) and correction of life. This is no less important components in the treatment of prostatitis, because of his illness weakened immunity and his men need to recover.
Regarding preventive measures at the last but not least it should be noted exercise regularly have sex with his constant (!) Partner, and, of course, periodic inspection (every year) clinics in the presence of various infections and diseases of urological nature, and every year I donate blood for PSA. Male persons from 40 years suggest undergo ultrasound of the prostate every six months.
Treatment of prostatitis - success in modern life.
Significant progressive modern medicine's success, coupled with proper and accurate diagnosis of high-tech tests, completed the overall picture of high professionalism of our doctors of the clinic, mention many. In our Center is available about 1000 kinds of tests, which take place in the first Russia's laboratory, certified by international quality standard ISO 15189:2003. The clinic is located right in the heart of Moscow - in the central part. Contact, ladies and gentlemen, and let the treatment of prostatitis will be for you a pleasant parting with this disease. Be healthy.
Rx Alaska
Monday, September 14, 2009
Male potency - integral index of health
All the time the existence of mankind men's ability to continue their race to be the father of the family were considered one of the greatest blessings bestowed by nature. For most men, normal sexual potency is considered one of the main criteria of its usefulness. And in our time, while the fantastic advances in science and technology, each person seeks to achieve its spiritual and physical potential, seeks to ensure, without which it is difficult to truly call myself a very healthy and happy.
Failure to complete the sexual life is perhaps one of the most powerful emotional trauma for men. The image of a strong body and spirit a man praised in many classic works of different nations, cultures and times.
In fact, very often the basis of "male weakness" are quite specific, prosaic reasons that are the subject of medical study.
According to the results of epidemiological studies conducted in men's health clinic, found that currently 15% of marriages do not produce offspring, and 40% - 50% of the childless couple because of various violations of sexual function in men. American researchers have shown that over 50% of men aged over 40 years in one way or another suffer loss of sexual function. At the same time, only 10% of patients suffering from erectile dysfunction, treat their problems to the doctor. The reason is quite obvious - for these people, as, indeed, for many others, the word "impotence" conjures up a picture of defeat, helplessness, lack of masculinity. In addition, disturbances in the sexual sphere require special sensitivity in the discussion, and the patient can entrust their intimate problems are not all doctors.
According to researchers the most common sexual disorder in men is erectile dysfunction. It is defined as the inability to achieve and / or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual activity. Impotence same - complete impotence - is much rarer. At the core of erectile dysfunction are various violations. However, in most cases, this variety of disorders of other organs and body systems.
One of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction - cardiovascular disease. Clinics of male health professionals believe that a violation of potency can be seen as a particular manifestation of general problems in the vascular system and factors contributing to the development of erectile dysfunction, just as well contribute to the development of other, more serious in terms of prognosis for the life of vascular complications (heart attack and stroke). Stable and full sexual function is provided only for healthy, unaltered vessels. If the vascular wall is affected, such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, etc., then one of the possible manifestations, along with others, will and erectile dysfunction.
There are, of course, other causes of erectile dysfunction, of which the most common - stress and mental disorders. This is quite understandable - the nervous system exerts its influence on coordinating all processes in the body, and the process of erection is particularly dependent on psycho-emotional condition. All this once again emphasizes that the human body - is not a set of bodies, and a unified system. The defeat of one of its components immediately affect other, seemingly so different and not related ...
Experts say men's health clinic, a violation of erectile function may constitute the first manifestation of vascular disease - atherosclerosis, even before they appear obvious signs of blood flow to the heart muscle. In this regard, particularly frustrated by the above figures: only 10% of patients are turning to professionals for help. This means that the early symptoms of vascular disorders has been neglected despite the fact that diseases of the cardiovascular system firmly keeps its leading position in a kind of "ranking of mortality, as in the whole world and in our country. Suffice it to say that according to the WHO-thirds of all deaths in the world to blame for heart and vascular diseases and their complications, particularly heart attack and stroke. In this connection it is interesting is the fact that a normal sex life is an integral indicator of health, as it is shown that those men who have no problem with reaching orgasm, lower risk of fatal cardiovascular complications.
There was a time when men are finally paying attention to his health, became fashionable appeal to the andrology. At the same time, the approach to the treatment of sexual disorders should be integral, that is, a person wishing to establish their sexual lives, need to pass a comprehensive examination to establish or exclude the possibility of effects on sexual function of those or other health disorders.
In addition, an important aspect of proper treatment is to assess the impact on sexual function of those or other drugs that patients receive about other diseases. Unfortunately, for some diseases, particularly in arterial hypertension, which in itself can lead to erectile dysfunction, intake of certain drugs is accompanied by a breach of sexual function, and this is the reason that patients do not receive them.
As a result, while progressing erectile dysfunction and significantly increases the risk of getting heart attack or stroke. I must say that the situation is not hopeless, as is currently in the arsenal of the male health clinic there are drugs that can not only support the arterial pressure at normal levels, but did not have unfavorable effects, and sometimes even improve sexual function.
Another important issue - the sexual rehabilitation of patients already had a heart attack or stroke. In this connection, the male health professionals Clinics their task as not only heal but also to prevent male-specific diseases, and prolong patient life, while trying to achieve the highest possible quality.
And the last aspect of the problem - is prevention of male health in healthy men. How to organize a regime of work and leisure, catering, special exercises to improve sexual physiology; individually tested to identify the cardiovascular risk over the next ten years, early diagnosis of male menopause - this is an incomplete list of prevention programs offered by the Clinic of male health.
Rx Pennsylvania
Failure to complete the sexual life is perhaps one of the most powerful emotional trauma for men. The image of a strong body and spirit a man praised in many classic works of different nations, cultures and times.
In fact, very often the basis of "male weakness" are quite specific, prosaic reasons that are the subject of medical study.
According to the results of epidemiological studies conducted in men's health clinic, found that currently 15% of marriages do not produce offspring, and 40% - 50% of the childless couple because of various violations of sexual function in men. American researchers have shown that over 50% of men aged over 40 years in one way or another suffer loss of sexual function. At the same time, only 10% of patients suffering from erectile dysfunction, treat their problems to the doctor. The reason is quite obvious - for these people, as, indeed, for many others, the word "impotence" conjures up a picture of defeat, helplessness, lack of masculinity. In addition, disturbances in the sexual sphere require special sensitivity in the discussion, and the patient can entrust their intimate problems are not all doctors.
According to researchers the most common sexual disorder in men is erectile dysfunction. It is defined as the inability to achieve and / or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual activity. Impotence same - complete impotence - is much rarer. At the core of erectile dysfunction are various violations. However, in most cases, this variety of disorders of other organs and body systems.
One of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction - cardiovascular disease. Clinics of male health professionals believe that a violation of potency can be seen as a particular manifestation of general problems in the vascular system and factors contributing to the development of erectile dysfunction, just as well contribute to the development of other, more serious in terms of prognosis for the life of vascular complications (heart attack and stroke). Stable and full sexual function is provided only for healthy, unaltered vessels. If the vascular wall is affected, such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, etc., then one of the possible manifestations, along with others, will and erectile dysfunction.
There are, of course, other causes of erectile dysfunction, of which the most common - stress and mental disorders. This is quite understandable - the nervous system exerts its influence on coordinating all processes in the body, and the process of erection is particularly dependent on psycho-emotional condition. All this once again emphasizes that the human body - is not a set of bodies, and a unified system. The defeat of one of its components immediately affect other, seemingly so different and not related ...
Experts say men's health clinic, a violation of erectile function may constitute the first manifestation of vascular disease - atherosclerosis, even before they appear obvious signs of blood flow to the heart muscle. In this regard, particularly frustrated by the above figures: only 10% of patients are turning to professionals for help. This means that the early symptoms of vascular disorders has been neglected despite the fact that diseases of the cardiovascular system firmly keeps its leading position in a kind of "ranking of mortality, as in the whole world and in our country. Suffice it to say that according to the WHO-thirds of all deaths in the world to blame for heart and vascular diseases and their complications, particularly heart attack and stroke. In this connection it is interesting is the fact that a normal sex life is an integral indicator of health, as it is shown that those men who have no problem with reaching orgasm, lower risk of fatal cardiovascular complications.
There was a time when men are finally paying attention to his health, became fashionable appeal to the andrology. At the same time, the approach to the treatment of sexual disorders should be integral, that is, a person wishing to establish their sexual lives, need to pass a comprehensive examination to establish or exclude the possibility of effects on sexual function of those or other health disorders.
In addition, an important aspect of proper treatment is to assess the impact on sexual function of those or other drugs that patients receive about other diseases. Unfortunately, for some diseases, particularly in arterial hypertension, which in itself can lead to erectile dysfunction, intake of certain drugs is accompanied by a breach of sexual function, and this is the reason that patients do not receive them.
As a result, while progressing erectile dysfunction and significantly increases the risk of getting heart attack or stroke. I must say that the situation is not hopeless, as is currently in the arsenal of the male health clinic there are drugs that can not only support the arterial pressure at normal levels, but did not have unfavorable effects, and sometimes even improve sexual function.
Another important issue - the sexual rehabilitation of patients already had a heart attack or stroke. In this connection, the male health professionals Clinics their task as not only heal but also to prevent male-specific diseases, and prolong patient life, while trying to achieve the highest possible quality.
And the last aspect of the problem - is prevention of male health in healthy men. How to organize a regime of work and leisure, catering, special exercises to improve sexual physiology; individually tested to identify the cardiovascular risk over the next ten years, early diagnosis of male menopause - this is an incomplete list of prevention programs offered by the Clinic of male health.
Rx Pennsylvania
Causes of prostatitis
• Infections (sexually transmitted diseases, other potential foci of infection) infection is the most common and probable cause of chronic prostatitis. Even in 1909, Holtz BN argued that prostatitis often is a complication of gonorrheal infection and prostate health in chronic gonorrhea - exception. In this era of doantibiotikovuyu the opinion of many scholars, but in recent decades due to widespread use of antibiotics, the proportion of gonorrheal urethritis in relation to negonokokkovym markedly decreased. The most common acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis caused by gram-flora and, particularly, E. coli, which accounted for 80% of all cases
• Factors contributing to the development of prostate blood circulation disturbances, stagnation and congestion; There are descriptions of prostate inflammation associated with persistent congestion in the veins of the pelvis, resulting in a breach of drainage prostate acini (kongenstivnye prostate), with metabolic disorders. Found that patients with chronic prostatitis recorded various changes of microcirculation, hemocoagulation and fibrinolysis. It is axiomatic that the congestion of the prostate gland predispose to its inflammation. Among the reasons contributing to congestion is called sexual violation and dysrhythmia sexuality. Leader A. J. (1958) argued: "The root cause of vesicle-prostate are repeated sexual arousal without physiological emptying a secret.
• Long-term abstinence, leading to a delay of secretion in the prostate gland, may be the cause of its aseptic inflammation.
• Neurogenic dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscles (hypertonicity, often in combination with dissinergiey reflex-forming apparatus of the urinary bladder, hypotension);
• Violation of the barrier function of the prostate gland, is well known that the prostate gland performs barrier function, and its secret has antimicrobial action, preventing infection in the upper genital tract. Barrier function of the prostate is associated with the content in the zinc. Zinc has an antibacterial effect in vitro on grampozitivnye and gramnegativnye bacteria. It is known that most prostate is rich in zinc, zinc accumulates, and its antibacterial activity associated with the presence in it of free zinc. In addition, the gland is formed zinc-peptide complex, which plays the role of prostatic antibacterial factor (Stamey 1968, Marmar 1975, Fair & Wehner 1976, Fair & Parrish 1981). It was shown that the penetration of bacteria in the prostate, the primary defect is its inability to accumulate zinc. In bacterial prostatitis and reduced zinc levels did not change after oral administration of drugs Zn. In contrast, when abakterialnom prostate zinc levels restored at his admission (Stamey 1968, Marmar 1975, Kavanagh JP 1982). Other factors, providing a barrier function body are: factors of cellular immunity (macrophages, etc.) and immunoglobulins IgA, IgG, IgM, which are produced in the prostate or prostatic penetrate the barrier in the seminal fluid, lysozyme, spermine, PH Secret - 6,6 . In inflammation the pH rises to 7-8 (Fowler J. 1988, Shortliffe LMD1981). Against the background of chronic prostatitis showed statistically significant reduction in citric acid.
• Hormonal imbalances;
• Violations of immunity (immunodeficiency, autoimmune process), allergic status (infectious-allergic or allergic process), factors contributing to the emergence and development of chronic prostatitis may be immune disorders and allergic status change. Some authors support the view that the emergence of nebakterialnogo prostatitis caused by immunologic processes, accelerated unknown antigen or an autoimmune reaction (Shortliffe LM, Wehner N., 1986, Doble A. et al., 1990, Nickel JC et al., 1990). The development of inflammation in the prostate causes changes in the microcirculation, resulting in increased vascular permeability, causes an opportunity of release of serum proteins into the surrounding tissues and even the secret of the prostate gland. Depending on the state histohematogenous barerovpredstatelnoy gland in various forms of chronic prostatitis in secret may appear larger or smaller quantities of blood serum protein fractions with different molecular weight that allows you to indirectly judge the transkapillyarnom exchange membrane structures and state authority. With long-term course of the disease may cause sensitization of the organism tissues of the prostate, entailing allergy organism, both local and general nature. The emergence of delayed-type inflammatory responses to live pathogens - microorganisms and their toxins associated with the direct influence of the agent and the decay products of body tissue. Later persistent inflammation in the prostate gland can be maintained by autoimmune mechanisms.
• Deficiency of vitamins and trace elements;
• psychosomatic disorders.
Rx Tennessee
• Factors contributing to the development of prostate blood circulation disturbances, stagnation and congestion; There are descriptions of prostate inflammation associated with persistent congestion in the veins of the pelvis, resulting in a breach of drainage prostate acini (kongenstivnye prostate), with metabolic disorders. Found that patients with chronic prostatitis recorded various changes of microcirculation, hemocoagulation and fibrinolysis. It is axiomatic that the congestion of the prostate gland predispose to its inflammation. Among the reasons contributing to congestion is called sexual violation and dysrhythmia sexuality. Leader A. J. (1958) argued: "The root cause of vesicle-prostate are repeated sexual arousal without physiological emptying a secret.
• Long-term abstinence, leading to a delay of secretion in the prostate gland, may be the cause of its aseptic inflammation.
• Neurogenic dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscles (hypertonicity, often in combination with dissinergiey reflex-forming apparatus of the urinary bladder, hypotension);
• Violation of the barrier function of the prostate gland, is well known that the prostate gland performs barrier function, and its secret has antimicrobial action, preventing infection in the upper genital tract. Barrier function of the prostate is associated with the content in the zinc. Zinc has an antibacterial effect in vitro on grampozitivnye and gramnegativnye bacteria. It is known that most prostate is rich in zinc, zinc accumulates, and its antibacterial activity associated with the presence in it of free zinc. In addition, the gland is formed zinc-peptide complex, which plays the role of prostatic antibacterial factor (Stamey 1968, Marmar 1975, Fair & Wehner 1976, Fair & Parrish 1981). It was shown that the penetration of bacteria in the prostate, the primary defect is its inability to accumulate zinc. In bacterial prostatitis and reduced zinc levels did not change after oral administration of drugs Zn. In contrast, when abakterialnom prostate zinc levels restored at his admission (Stamey 1968, Marmar 1975, Kavanagh JP 1982). Other factors, providing a barrier function body are: factors of cellular immunity (macrophages, etc.) and immunoglobulins IgA, IgG, IgM, which are produced in the prostate or prostatic penetrate the barrier in the seminal fluid, lysozyme, spermine, PH Secret - 6,6 . In inflammation the pH rises to 7-8 (Fowler J. 1988, Shortliffe LMD1981). Against the background of chronic prostatitis showed statistically significant reduction in citric acid.
• Hormonal imbalances;
• Violations of immunity (immunodeficiency, autoimmune process), allergic status (infectious-allergic or allergic process), factors contributing to the emergence and development of chronic prostatitis may be immune disorders and allergic status change. Some authors support the view that the emergence of nebakterialnogo prostatitis caused by immunologic processes, accelerated unknown antigen or an autoimmune reaction (Shortliffe LM, Wehner N., 1986, Doble A. et al., 1990, Nickel JC et al., 1990). The development of inflammation in the prostate causes changes in the microcirculation, resulting in increased vascular permeability, causes an opportunity of release of serum proteins into the surrounding tissues and even the secret of the prostate gland. Depending on the state histohematogenous barerovpredstatelnoy gland in various forms of chronic prostatitis in secret may appear larger or smaller quantities of blood serum protein fractions with different molecular weight that allows you to indirectly judge the transkapillyarnom exchange membrane structures and state authority. With long-term course of the disease may cause sensitization of the organism tissues of the prostate, entailing allergy organism, both local and general nature. The emergence of delayed-type inflammatory responses to live pathogens - microorganisms and their toxins associated with the direct influence of the agent and the decay products of body tissue. Later persistent inflammation in the prostate gland can be maintained by autoimmune mechanisms.
• Deficiency of vitamins and trace elements;
• psychosomatic disorders.
Rx Tennessee
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