Monday, November 23, 2009

Seven ways to break up nicely

Couple dinner together, one going to the cinema and it is already clear - nothing this man will not work. You can, of course, tell him about it over a cup of coffee, forcing on-call "let's be friends". But there is another option - to make sure that he threw you own.

By the way, a strong half of mankind in this way often unreported. Deliberately arranging later beer Vovka, frank flirtation with a neighbor or attack smelly socks, a man forced her friend to break up "at will". The young lady leaves, maintaining the dignity and honor. And it's a counterfeiter - parting without hysterics and fatty inscriptions lipstick on the windshield of your favorite cars, "Well, you and swine, you swine."

Such a "divorce" on the shoulder and a woman. It is only necessary to know exactly what makes a man you quit.
1. Memories of former boyfriend

Only he would lead a conversation on yesterday's clash with the boss or a quarrel with one another, interrupt and say something like: "This is something else. That's my ex once got into a mess even worse ... ". Each of his attempt to tell about myself finish the new memory. If memories are not enough - invent. And watch the reaction of men. If he suddenly gasped loudly, or vice versa breath with a whistling sound when your next mall - you're on the right path. If you started asking questions, being interested in the further fate of your ex - it's time to tie with the attacks "dark" past. The method has exhausted itself.

Why it works

First, talk about the former forced men to compare themselves with others and not always in their favor. Secondly, it becomes clear that your head is "crowded" by others, although it specifically for you to shave and to iron a t-shirt. Third, do not you tell him about himself, showing that for you it is just a hole in the donut.
2. Tips

Zagotovte advice for all occasions and give to their peremptory tone, especially when you have this will not forgive.

* You make a dacha? Ha! So you miscalculated the angle of inclination of the roof!
* Flows booster? Replacing the caps will not save, do not waste time - puts a new one.
* Mother to bring the potatoes? Not the potatoes she needed, and a strong shoulder. Can she get married again?

The more people will hear as you read the notation, the more likely he will run away.

Why it works

"Teach better than your pauchat", - said Pinocchio Malvina. Your sermons always begin to irritate him: no man do not like to feel stupid companion, even if you are even with their advice ten times right. So lady-Encyclopedia immediately go to the bench.
3. Talking about the future

Would you like to start a cat or a dog? And you'll cry if I suddenly die? Do you love children? What name would you chose for girls? Do you think children probably have to leave Moscow? And when you introduce me to his parents?

And a lot of this nonsense pour on him during a meeting with serious air, holding his hand and looking fondly into the eyes.

Why it works

First, the limited freedom of men. The only thing that bothered him in the morning - which tie to choose: blue or green. In the evening unfamiliar woman makes planning for life in the fifty years ahead. Secondly, willy nilly, a man has to wonder: if he had a young lady of psychological problems? Now only the third visit, and she's already ready to give birth, and wallpaper glue in the bedroom ...
4. Cleaning his apartment

Once at his home, accidentally slide your finger on the dusty windowsill. Ask him a rag and the words "what you slut" begin to wash the dust. After taking over a mountain of dishes in the kitchen. Corner of his eye to follow, cavalier walks tail, rolling his eyes, rub harder. Started to move the chairs and ran to the store for pemolyuksom, throw cleaning. With this character, such tricks will not work.

Why it works

First, because you do not demand climbed on private property. He may decide that five minutes Married: Today you will be removed tomorrow in the closet space free, and the next day will bring suitcases. Secondly, you do not appreciate his efforts. Perhaps, before you came he made a deed: covered a lot of dirty laundry cloth and gently pushed the dirty socks under the bed.
5. Thorugh his things

When he leaves the room, find his passport, cell phone, or try to check e-mail. Then take a pose "spy in the bushes and wait. Hearing his steps, start to frantically cover their tracks. In this pursuit he has to find you. After natural question "what are you doing?" Quiet, intense blinking and swallowing.

After waiting a "ninth wave" his cries of "how could you" and "what you forgot in my things, quietly go away. Conversely you hardly called.

Why it works

In the opinion of men will do so as well), a woman stupid and b) a woman impudent. Explosive mixture. To imagine that someone dreamed of an impertinent fool beside difficult.
6. "Image" porn star, or "Snow Queen"

Let's say you have it came to sex, sort things out, what he likes. If he is waiting for you to remain passive, have become a "porn star". Prefers aggressive sex? So, to play in "The Snow Queen".

A) "porn star"

You should always be "top". He wants to change position - saying that you need to think differently. He reaches for kisses, and gets bites. Require constant change poses: the wall, on the table and in the corridor. Bring handcuffs, tie his eyes - to crush their sexuality.

Why it works

First, you just scare him. Because acrobatic tricks - something pertinent to the pages of Kama Sutra, but not in the four walls of the Khrushchev era. Second, sharp movements and constant changes of position may give him physical discomfort.

B) "The Snow Queen"

Lie down a log and do nothing. Hands along the body, eyes looking at the ceiling. For all his "well let's so, and let some sort" replied calmly: "As you wish".

Why it works

Even dogs need pooscheritelny cracker, the command "give me a paw". So your coldness and lack of initiative will lead to what it is:

* Will be ashamed of their desires;
* Get rid of "wooden" woman.

7. Imitation of orgasm

Regardless of what "image" you had to learn, an imitation of an orgasm would be appropriate in any case. After three minutes of having sex begin factitiously sigh, exclaim, bleat and squirm, saying: "Yes!" Yes! Another! ".

Why it works

Through mass media all men know that 80 percent of women imitate orgasm. However, they always want to believe that their partner is included in the remaining twenty. Therefore your obvious acting invariably lead him to believe that in sex he was so-so and you are "lying" out of pity.

Funds for new sex sensations

The use of "doping" in their sexual lives - scents, creams, pills, dietary supplements - can be a good help for those who want to diversify or to save the intimate relationship.

Scents for the temptation

Aromatherapy. In the absence of Allergy and individual contra-indications - a good adjuvant. From the well-known fragrances that can enhance the desire - sandalwood, ylang ylang, patchouli, jasmine, musk, amber.

But do not forget about that, perhaps, to recover it to your wish will help you feel relaxed. Then "your" smell could be pine or lemon. Experiment and listen to their needs and partner!

Pheromones. Pheromones - "fluids" in the body of everyone around him, forming a kind of erotic aura. That is Pheromones cause a feeling of love and sexual desire from the opposite sex. Stress, a weakened immune system reduces the level of pheromone in the body.

Restore and repeatedly reinforce their sexuality may help to perfumes and cosmetics with pheromones (eg «Desire pheromone» or «Dr.Vilsh», which are sold in pharmacies and sex shops).

Besides the obvious recovery of the opposite sex pheromones after using you will also notice that the mood and feeling greatly improved.

Europe has a long history of using pheromones as natural antidepressants. They are absolutely safe, so you can use them as needed, without limitations.
Dietary supplements and gels

Such funds can buy in the drugstore anyone who felt the need for them. If you decide to try it, carefully examine the pros and cons.

Restorative drugs (complexes and supplements containing vitamins and trace elements, extracts and tinctures of ginseng, Eleutherococcus, levzei, golden root, devil's, arallii, Pantocrinum). Affect the excitation is not directly (as if in direct action is not assured ads!), And indirectly - positively influencing the overall condition of the body. Contraindications are much lower than that of special funds.
Natural, phyto-teas, "special preparations" for the institution, prolongation of erection, etc. These include extracts from blister beetle, "Damiani", "Orgazmek, Gingko Biloba, etc.

Sometimes, such funds are sold in pharmacies, but often - through network marketing or internet. The latter two species is better to use only if you are absolutely sure of the quality of pharmaceuticals.

Exciting creams, gels. Sale in sex shops. Typically, the effect of external funds to strengthen the erection or increase the sensitivity during sexual intercourse is based on the temporary increase in genital blood vessels and blood flow.

Gels, narrow the entrance to the vagina. also sold in sex shops and used by many "hunters for new sensations."

Drinks, so-called flirtoniki. As a rule, contains Yohimbe extract and vitamins. Yohimbe - an African tree bark have long been used to increase sexual desire.

Medications taken by a doctor and in those cases when it comes to serious problems, and not just because you wanted extreme.

Medicine men

These include such drugs as "Viagra" "Cialis", "Levitra" etc.

They treat erectile dysfunction, but have some serious side effects and contraindications (impossibility admission for diseases of the heart, after drinking alcohol, etc.). Therefore, self-designated these drugs is unacceptable!

Remember: This medication, treating certain problems that cause erectile dysfunction, and appoint them for himself in order to increase the level of excitation can not, if you value your health.
Hormone therapy, restoring the level of testosterone (injections, tablets, gels for external use). Should I repeat that the appointment can only andrologists after diagnosis?

Injections, which made for some time before intercourse and a member of the vessels expand, causing blood flow - and, consequently, erection. Appointed by andrology.

Drugs for Women

Such products as "Klimonorm", "Livia". Hormone therapy is provided to women older than 40 years with decreased ovarian function (and, accordingly, reduced levels of hormones).

Restoring a number of hormones, drugs stimulate the desire and improve well-being of women.
Simple "recipes" for two

Aphrodisiacs. In other words - everything that you can eat or drink in order to cause and prolong arousal and increase passion. Perhaps the least dangerous and most enjoyable "natural supplement", which could and should be experimenting.

Of course, if you're not going to use crushed rhino horn or bovine eggs. It is unknown whether any products, aphrodisiacs direct impact on sexuality, but also indirect - perhaps. At least, they are useful.

From the well-known aphrodisiac - onion, eggs, celery, honey, chocolate, amber and all spices, mustard, crab, oysters and other seafood.

In the Kama Sutra is recommended to the lovers' meeting to try a dish of rice boiled in milk, sparrow eggs, stewed onions and honey.

Recipe of the French King Henry IV - ezheutrennyaya glass of brandy, mixed with egg yolk.

Pontifical sauce. In a saucepan put two or three slices of veal, a few pieces of chopped ham, a teaspoon of oil, chopped onion, carrots, celery and parsley. Add a tablespoon of white wine, broth, garlic cloves, cloves and lemon peel.

The mixture is boiled at low heat. The resulting sauce is strained, add greens. Serve with pasta.

Oh, and do not forget the famous traditional food - walnuts in honey and sour cream.
Recipes do not help?

Whatever you use, remember: this kind of assistance - only the first but not the only possible step toward harmony. As was said Avicenna, "to treat the patient, not the disease".
For example, your desire or your partner disappears. The reasons can be many - from chronic fatigue and difficulties in relations to health problems.

There is a common problem - a decrease in testosterone levels with age, with which the emergence and male and female arousal. Since 30 years, the body gradually produces less and less of this hormone.

And now comes the moment when the desire arises. The moment is repeated, then again and again - and attract the attention of the man pill: hormone replacement therapy compensate for the level of testosterone, or drugs that stimulate an erection.

However, there are no magic pills - tablets can be helpful, but not a solution. After all, most likely the true reason for your failure - stress, low levels of physical activity, insufficient attention to the relationship.

If the excitation of you all right, but only wanted new experiences, you have driven by curiosity and the search for previously untested feelings, try to start to do without the "heavy artillery".

Those same effects, but without the health risk can be achieved by introducing diversity in sexual life, the use of different techniques.

If this path you've been, well, you can continue experimenting with means of which we described in this article!

What sex postures help to lose weight

Sex - a great opportunity to get rid of extra pounds. Western sexologists tell what posture best sex burn calories.

"While sex work almost all the muscles of the body, including legs, arms, shoulders, back ... Physical exercise is necessary to perform at least 15 minutes, this also applies to sex ", - explained the experts.

So what poses the most effective sex rid of excess weight?

1. Woman on top
With such a position involving muscles of the arms, shoulders and chest women. Also actively working the abdominal muscles.

2. Sitting, facing each other
Strengthened back muscles, hips and legs.

3. Standing
This position requires physical strength from both partners, and from partner. Are involved almost all the muscles of the body, is actively burning calories.

4. Lying, feet on the shoulders of male partner
This attitude can be compared with aerobic exercises. Develop flexibility women.

Also do not forget that sex recovers the body: relieves headaches, soothes and treats depression.